
Wallpaper Love

I've been keeping an eye on bathroom inspiration recently. I already have an idea of what I want my bathrooms to look like, but pinning down an idea is something that I struggle with, because honestly there is just too much to love. Here's what I'm crushing on...

Can you tell I'm totally loving wallpaper :)

I hope to add wainscoting and wallpaper to a powder room. Think chunky crown molding wouldn't hurt either.

I heard it's probably not the best idea to add wallpaper to a main bathroom, too much moisture getting in and peeling it from the wall. So I will probably just keep the wallpaper to a powder room.

I came across this wallpaper at Anthropologie and fell in love:

It's a little pricey at $148 a roll, bit if you only used it on the top half of the wall above wainscoting, it could be doable... sort of like this:


I think I will keep my eye out to see if it goes on sale and snatch it up if it does.

I'm loving these main baths:

What have you been crushing on lately?



  1. Ooh SO beautiful! I just bought that anthro walllpaper for a project and can't wait to get it up on the wall!

  2. Ooo, I can't wait to see it up!
