
Pretty Presents

I have a big family. There are 5 children within 8 years of each other. 4 girls, 1 boy and I am the youngest. Christmas was amazing every single year in my house, and one of my favorite things to do at Christmas time is to wrap all the gifts.

When I was young, my mom would call each of us kids individually into her bedroom to wrap one of our siblings gifts. She would wrap the paper around the present, and us kids would tape it down. It was so much fun because I got to see all the gifts that my siblings were getting, and I guess there was the anticipation of knowing that my gifts were being wrapped too. It's one of my favorite memories from Christmas as a child.

One of my favorite Christmas activities to this day is wrapping all the gifts that I bought. I lay everything out on a table to see how I need to package them all. Do I need boxes for some, bags for others, how much paper will I need to wrap everything, and what sorts of pretty details I can include on the packaging to make them look amazing.

Last year I purchased solid white wrapping paper, brown craft paper, beautiful green 2 inch ribbon and 1 inch white ribbon. I wrapped the box in the white wrap, cut a piece of brown craft paper about 3 inches wide and wrapped it around the width of the box, then on top of that I layered the 2 inch green ribbon and 1 inch white ribbon. I didn't take any pictures of my presents, but this is the inspiration picture I tried to replicate.

I even attached a piece of greenery like in the picture. I got a great response from everyone who received a present. No one wanted to rip it open, and that was my point. I wanted the packaging to be part of the present. And they looked great under my table top Christmas tree, I almost didn't want to give them away!

I already have most of my shopping done this year (I love getting it done early so I don't have to compete with crowds at the malls), so I think I'll start my wrapping this weekend.

Here's some inspiration I found that will get my creative juices flowing:

image from Michael Graydon.
 unknown source
 unknown source. found on pinterest.

I also found these amazing printable gift tags from Lia Griffith - here's the link if you want to print them out yourself:

And here they are in action:
Aren't they amazing. They will definitely be going on my presents this year!

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